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The VS-24B form is used to amend your birth certificate, such as to change your name and gender.

If you only change your name, you'll receive a two-page birth certificate listing both your new and old name.

If you change both your name and gender, you'll receive a new birth certificate without any indication that it isn't the original. The original birth certificate is then sealed and can only be obtained with a court order.

  • On page 1
    • Under Applicant Name and Mailing Address, use your new name (the one you're changing to), and put the address where you'd like to receive your new birth certificate and/or any mail pertaining to your request. This does not have to be your permanent address.
    • It is recommended to provide an email address so that the CDPH can notify you when they receive the request and when they mail out the new birth certificate.
    • Under Calculate the Fee, write $26 in Total Fee unless you want additional copies on top of the one included with the amendment, in which case, you can add $29 to the total fee for each extra copy.
  • On page 2
    • In Part 1, fill out your information as it appears on your current (unchanged) birth certificate. This information is used by the CDPH to find your original birth record.
    • In Part 2, check the boxes to the left of all the options you'd like to change. For example, "Child's First Name", "Child's Middle Name", "Child's Last Name", and "Sex". Then, put the new details in the boxes to the right of the items you checked.
    • Under Reason for the Correction
      • If you're changing your gender, write "To change the sex specified on my birth certificate to conform to my gender identity and not for any fraudulent purposes."
      • If you're changing your name, write "Name is changed pursuant to Superior Court of California, County of [county of name change], Court Case Number [name change court case number], dated [mm/dd/yyyy]." If you changed your name in a state other than California, replace "Superior Court of California" with the name of the court that issued the order.
      • If you're changing both, write both of the reasons.
    • Under Printed Name, put your new name (the one you're changing to).
    • Under Relationship, write "Self".
    • Under Address, put the address where you'd like to receive your new birth certificate and/or any mail pertaining to your request. This does not have to be your permanent address.
    • Sign and date the form. Despite the form saying that two people must sign, if you're changing your own record, only you have to sign the form.


Here's what your form should look like once it's finished (Everything I added is in red for emphasis. Use black when you're filling your form out):

